KAD Brake Pads - 6 Pot - Mintex M1144

Part Number: KAD-SA115-BCP-103

  • Sale
  • Regular price £105.55

  • £126.66

    including VAT.


Mintex M1144 Road Compound Brake Pad Set.

The Mintex M1144 brake pad compound is the best material for track-days and very light competition. The Mintex M1144 brake pad replaces the standard brake pads with a high-performance friction material that works from cold, giving you confidence from the first application of the brakes. The benefit of the Mintex M1144 brake pad is as the temperature of the brake system starts to increase the M1144 brake pad will remain stable and consistent through to 450c where a standard brake pad material will fade.

Very good quality pads recommended by KAD. 

Suits all KAD Alloy Mini 6 Pot Calipers which accept a 113mm long pad.

Please select disc size above for application.